Kinds of Controllers
Specified number of replica pods are running at all times
Else will start a new pod when it crashes
Used within deployment
Declarative updates for pods and ReplicaSets
Describe desired state of deployment in yaml file and deployment controller aligns actual state to match
Create/replace replicaSets
Deployments manages ReplicaSets which manages Pods (quick and flexible rollback)
Use Cases
Pod Management
Scaling a ReplicaSet
Pod Updates/Rollbacks
Pause (only updates are paused not traffic) /Resume deployments (larger change sets)
Status - pod health issues
Daemon Sets
Ensures all nodes run a copy of the specific pod
Add/remove pods according to add/remove nodes in cluster
Deleting this deletes all pods it created
Use Case
Log aggregator
Monitoring agent on node
Supervisor for pods carrying out batch jobs
Cron job - specific job at specific time
Eg. nightly report, database backups etc.
Allows communication btw sets of deployment with another
Unique IP (unchanging)
Pods configured to rely on service IP
Allows 2 deployments (set of pods) to talk
Internal: IP reach within cluster
External: EP available through Node IP: port (NodePort)
Load balancer: K8s in cloud
Last updated
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